Workforces will need to learn faster and be capable of applying new skill sets rapidly. There will be a higher value placed on people skills, business intelligence, independent thinking, innovation, and creativity.
Building the future from the ground up
The skills shortage in the cybersecurity and compliance industry is increasing. By 2021, unfilled cyber positions are estimated to be roughly 3.5 million worldwide. Yet, due to a variety of factors, companies are not opening roles to junior professionals.
Further complicating the issue, programs for security certifications and degrees do not address the skills necessary to make them ready day one.
The security job of the future is being automated away.
The Urgency of Diversity & Inclusion
Minority representation within the cybersecurity field is roughly 26%, and only 14% are women revealing employment tends to be concentrated in non-management positions, fewer occupying leadership roles, despite being highly educated. Managing diversity is one of the defining issues of our time, the NEXT CISO Program is designed to elevate women and BIPOC and set them on their journey to CISO.

Our Approach
The Next CISO Program looks to address these challenges holistically with a program that targets GRC as a entry point ensuring that a strong understanding of controls frameworks for enterprise security and compliance capabilities are baked into the foundation at the onset.
Designed for people outside Tech
Focuses on both Human and applied GRC audit skills
Specialization: ISO 27001 and Privacy Related to Children
Targeting Women and BIPOC

Solving today's challenges requires a different approach, including new ways of working and learning.
6 month program that ends with a project involving real client work
Running a pilot starting in September 2020
Course designers and teachers - Experts in HR, Governance and Cybersecurity
Targeting Women and BIPOC
Cloud Security Alliance
Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)
Information Security Foundation based on ISO IEC 27001

Just as the best human-centered designs intersect empathy with creativity, learning design requires consideration for the end user; the learner.

Strategic Thinking
Cybersecurity & Futurism
- Moral and Ethical Decision Making.
- Junior Project management
- Al & Auditing
- Conducting a basic ISO 27001 audit
- Perform a basic risk assessment
- Creating an asset inventory
- Perform a business impact analysis
- Write a security policy and certain key procedures
- Training, Teaching and Coaching
- Front Line Mgt Skills
- Create a day-to-day Plan of Action
- Resilience/Stress Mgt/Managing Failure
Introduction to Design & Design Thinking
- Empathy
- Report Design & Creation/Building Decks
- Persuasion , Negotiations
- Internal Mktg & Sales + Value proposition
- Personal Branding
- Mastering Communication
- Present results to middle management
- The Senior Project
Training and Certification Partners
It takes a community working together to build the workforce of the future. The Next CISO Apprenticeship program seeks to establish strategic partnerships that will help support the educational environment of the students by